Forgiveness is NOT a lobotomy!

Forgiveness is NOT a lobotomy! When we forgive, we do not forget. The experiences we have had stay with us–especially the hard ones. Few things are harder than discovering your spouse cheated on you! I am sure I will carry the technicolor memory of my ex-wife quasi-confessing her cheating on Thanksgiving Eve 2012 for the … Continue reading “Forgiveness is NOT a lobotomy!”

Cheater-Speak: “If only you would have….”

“If only you would have done everything to bring in money, then I wouldn’t be so miserable.” -Cheater Some Cheaters genuinely believe their spouse is responsible for their feelings, especially their happiness or lack thereof. This is a losing proposition for faithful spouses. We cannot succeed in this rigged game. Humans are responsible for their … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak: “If only you would have….””

No excuse. Period.

Thou shalt not commit adultery. -Exodus 20:14, KJV With the way faithful spouses are handled after adultery discovery, you would think this verse from the Ten Commandments said something different. “Thou shalt not commit adultery” [UNLESS]… …you have a difficult marriage. …you are not getting “enough” sex. …your spouse isn’t connecting with you emotionally like … Continue reading “No excuse. Period.”

Avoid using your Cheater’s therapist!

Public Service Announcement: Do NOT use your cheater’s individual therapist for couple’s counseling! One of my many mistakes with my first marriage’s demise was agreeing to see my (now ex) wife’s individual therapist for couple’s counseling. The therapist and her had worked with each other for months, if not years, by that point. I knew … Continue reading “Avoid using your Cheater’s therapist!”

Ultimate Defiance – Defying God

“Do everything they say to you,” the Lord replied, “for they are rejecting me, not you. They don’t want me to be their king any longer.” -I Samuel 8:7, NLT For whatever reason, recognizing the larger picture is helpful. Cheaters are not “just” rejecting their spouse. They are rejecting God. They may say otherwise. In fact, they … Continue reading “Ultimate Defiance – Defying God”

Wondering… Do they?

I wonder… …do some Cheaters ever even consider they might be the problem. Of course, the usual course of these things is to externalize the problem. They blame their spouse. Or they might blame the affair partner. Another candidate might be the stresses of work. Cheaters have a long list of things or people to blame … Continue reading “Wondering… Do they?”

Resource on healing — “Rightly Assigning Blame”

“The crux of the teaching is that the foundation of all abuse is the misassignment of responsibility. So the abuse victim accepts that assignment of responsibility as being theirs.” -Bob Hamp in Episode 277: What the Healing Journey Looks Like, Flying Free Podcast, page 6 (transcript). Last week, I taught a group on the subject … Continue reading “Resource on healing — “Rightly Assigning Blame””