End their centrality. Make them a footnote.


So the Lord blessed Job in the second half of his life even more than in the beginning. 

-Job 42:12a, NLT

Faithful Spouses, we have a choice:

Do we keep on allowing the cheater to be the central player in our life story or do we go out and take command of our story forging decisions based on our own wishes and desires?

I encourage the later and not the former.

The cheater ought to become a mere footnote in our life story. Sure, it is a significant footnote. But it is a mere footnote, nevertheless.

Faithful spouses, you are amazing people. Do not let the footnote define you or tell you otherwise.

You have survived one of the most traumatic relationship traumas known to humans: soul rape! And you are still here forging your story.

Now, you might not feel amazing right now.

But that comes with time. You will look back on the difficult times and see God’s hand sustaining you. Then you will be amazed at all God did to help you get through such truly evil times.

At my lowest, I remember having to pack up my little Honda Civic and literally cross half the country to get to my new job (and new apartment). I didn’t feel mighty or amazing back then. But I look back now and see how amazing that really was for me to have done that on my own by the grace of God.

Today, my ex-wife is merely someone that I used to know. In fact, I probably did not really even know her back then. She certainly is not central to my story today.

Sure, I run this blog ministry. However, people who encounter me would never know I do this unless I clue them into my story.

She is a mere footnote.

In fact, she is a footnote unnecessary for my daily functioning.

My hope and prayer for each of you, faithful spouses, is that day will come for you as well. The day when your ex is merely a footnote to your life. Then you will be able to look back and see God’s sustaining hand upon your life. 



*A version of this post ran previously. Still very true.