Gonna go with that?!

“I was going to tell you, but I thought you’d get angry,” says Cheater.

“You’re really going to blame me for your cheating and lying?” asks Faithful Spouse.

Really, gonna go with that?!

The sad thing is that we–faithful spouses–often let Cheaters off the hook. Of course, you cannot get angry or then you confirm their bogus reasoning for lying in the first place. So, Cheaters manipulate the situation from the start.

Yet, the truth is they are blaming and attempting to cover their tracks with such statements.

If you do not see it, I hope you have someone in your life that does. You are not to blame for THEIR lying and cheating. They are FULLY responsible for their own actions and sins (see 2 Cor. 5:10).

But that won’t stop Cheaters from attempting to make us feel responsible for them hiding the truth and cheating.

We just need to be strong and stand on the truth rejecting such lies. We are NEVER responsible for another’s sins and actions. Those behaviors are ON THEM!

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