Guys, do NOT pursue!!!

26 Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins. 27 There is only the terrible expectation of God’s judgment and the raging fire that will consume his enemies.

-Hebrews 10:26-27, NLT

Guys, do NOT pursue your Cheater!

I know this is counter to what your church leaders probably taught you. They may have attempted to shame you into pursuing her by saying God pursues sinners like us. This is wrongly applied Scripture in our situations.

God does not pursue deliberately sinning individuals as evidenced by the Hebrews 10 passage!

Cheating takes deliberation. A lot of sinful decisions lead to the moment of sexual intercourse. It does NOT “just happen.”

Now, I know what it feels like NOT to follow my own advice here. I wrote out a list of reasons I wanted to stay married to my Cheater.

Her response? Contempt for me.

From her perspective, the problem wasn’t that she was undesirable. The problem was me.

You see, the issue is not low self esteem for Cheaters. They have a pride and entitlement problem. Consequences is the only language that stands a chance of waking them up to reality.

A repentant Cheater understands that she blew it.

She does not put more onto her victim. Instead, she seeks to repair what she destroyed through her sinful choices and actions. The last thing she does is treat her spouse with contempt.

Regardless, please do NOT pursue your Cheater! It will save you grief. Trust me!!

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