He is a Good Father!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine…

-Ephesians 3:20a, NIV

God has solutions that we cannot imagine.

They are good solutions as He is a good God. What happens might not be what we originally wanted, but God is good and will see you through.

I look back upon my life, and I am grateful for the changes God made so that I now have a future unimaginable at the time of my divorce.

God is faithful.

He is good.

Sometimes, we are caught in the illusion that we are on our own. The reality is God is still with us in the darkest of darkness. He sees and feels our pain for we are His legitimate children.

A good father does not dismiss the pain of His children. A good father seeks a bright future for His children. A good father listens to his children.

God is a good father (Mt 7:11).



*A version of this post ran previously.

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