Are you waiting on an acknowledgment of wrongdoing by your cheater?
I have some good and bad news on that front…
First, I will share the bad news:
You may never get an acknowledgment (and a full confession) of wrongdoing from your cheater. Some people are so disordered, cowardly, and/or wicked to do so.
Waiting around for such an acknowledgment does you no good. Do not allow your new life to be held hostage by the sinful refusal of a cheater to repent.
This is where forgiveness plays a role.
In forgiveness, we acknowledge to ourselves those wrongs. Then we give them to God for Him to deal with. The cheater and his/her sins are now on God’s watch to handle.
This leads me to the good news..
We do not need an acknowledgment of wrongdoing (however nice that would be) in order to move on with our lives and accept the new wonderful gifts God has for us.
I doubt my ex-wife will ever really admit her sins to me. But I don’t need that admission to enjoy my life today.
So much miss-information has been spread about this topic, but you are right on. Acknowledging wrong doing is the last thing most cheaters will do. They focus on how they cam make it your fault and managing their image.
Explore your anger, do your grief work and move into forgiveness when you are good and ready. Acknowledgement from a cheater is a unicorn.
“Acknowledgement from a cheater is a unicorn.” Precisely. I wish it were otherwise, but it is symptomatic of cheaters preferring the lie to the harsh reality and truth of what they did.