Misplaced hope

So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us.

-Hebrews 6:18, NIV

Are we placing our hope in God who does not lie or in a human who does?

I believe better days are ahead for faithful spouses after discovering their cheater’s treachery. This is something I am confident about based on my belief in our good, just God.

Good days are ahead.

Those good days, though, are likely going to be sans cheater in the picture. It is often a picture and future we could not imagine in the moment of our betrayal.

I know I could not picture today when I was going through my dark valley. The amazing future I have now is not one I was evening considering back then. Yet I enjoy a very full life today.

The danger with hope is that we get fixated on a specific future to our detriment. In particular, we put our hope in a liar–namely, the cheater. This is a misplaced hope.

Our hope is to be placed in God and His promises.

God’s ways are not our ways. We might really, really want our marriage to be resurrected. However, God will never force anyone to choose a righteous life. That means God will not force the cheater to repent.

So, a resurrected marriage usually is NOT an option. Generally speaking, Cheaters have hard hearts and will refuse to turn from their lives of deceit and unrighteousness. But that does not mean you are without hope!

It just means your future will look different than what you first imagined. In my experience, that is not always a bad thing. God is so good that He can take you from a disaster and launch you into a life of abundance!

Place your hope in God and His promises. He is a good bet!