Not a tear wasted

You keep track of all my sorrows.
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book.

-Psalm 56:8, NLT

Not a tear wasted.

God is tender towards those He loves. And He loves you, dear Faithful Spouse.

Not only does He see each tear, He draws close to capture each one in His bottle so that none are wasted.

This is why I am a Christian. I follow Christ because my pain and sorrows matter to Him. He is not indifferent to my grief. My God captured each of my tears. He will waste none.

These precious tears are what have watered this very ministry making it grow. Without such personal sorrow, no such ministry would exist. I would have been oblivious to this world.

God wastes no tears.

I don’t know what use He will have for your tears. But know that they are not shed without His witness. They are not shed in waste. God is gathering them in His bottle as your tears are precious to Him because YOU are precious to Him!

Never forget:

God wastes no tears.

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