Strange but still red flag

Anxiety weighs down the heart,
    but a kind word cheers it up.

-Proverbs 12:25, NIV

Some TV Sit-Coms are just selfish stories about mean people using other people.

Looking back on my first marriage, I think this was a red flag I discounted. My ex enjoyed the type of Sit-Coms where people used people for their own gratification. Her favorite character in one was a male character obsessed with sexual conquest and who was totally narcissistic.

Why choose that sort of “entertainment” unless it spoke to something in one’s heart?

Now, I am NOT saying everyone who ever enjoyed those shows is destined to be a cheater. What I AM saying is how choosing to watch these shows can demonstrate what someone values.

Making a show where characters use other characters is a subtle red flag. It is the opposite of valuing kindness.

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