“Tell your family and friends to stop…”

“Tell your family and friends to stop telling [Cheater] to not divorce you,” says Cheater Supporter.

My divorce happened because my Cheater chose it.* At the time, I was trying to dissuade her from what I considered an sinful divorce on her part.

While I was still wishing to avoid divorce, a supporter of my ex lectured me about people telling Cheater not to divorce me. He said something to the effect of what is quoted at the top of this post. You see, he assumed I was orchestrating these people and their message. I wasn’t.

According to this person, the warnings about divorce was causing my Cheater distress. He clearly wanted her to feel less distress on her path to divorce me. Especially from this exchange, I see him now as a clear enabler of her sin.

Looking back now, I can see how this is similar to how my Cheater reacted to hearing Scripture read that condemned adultery.

My family and friends–like Scripture–were touching what was left of her conscience, and it was hurting as she was going against the right thing. It is easier to ignore one’s conscience if you silence those reminding you that what you are doing is wrong.

In the end, she did indeed silence her conscience enough and continued on the path of destruction.

Yet I can see God’s hand of grace in all of this not allowing such to happen without chance and chance of reminders NOT to continue on the broad way to destruction.



*I am now VERY glad I ended up divorced from her! It was a necessary ending for the wonderful life I have today. I was set free for my current future by getting divorced. Looking back, the wiser path would have been for me to have started the divorce process as soon as she had admitted to an “emotional affair” and blamed me for it.

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