Blog Update:
I wasn’t sure if anyone would listen. But I felt God leading me to test the waters in writing a blog on adultery/divorce, and I decided to launched this blog on Friday, July 11th, 2o14. After thirty days and thirty-one posts, the blog has reached and exceeded the 10,000 views mark with 61 blog subscribers. We have visitors from around the globe including views from at least twenty different countries to date.
Thank you for visiting and spreading the word! I praise God that the message is slowly getting out there on a Biblical approach to adultery and divorce.
Rev. David, M.Div, BCC (aka Divorce Minister)
& Aubree, M.Ed. (aka Mrs. Divorce Minister)
Congrats! You are filling a special need in the community with your biblical, yet no nonsense perspective! God Bless, Mr&Mrs Divorce Minister. PS…cute couple 🙂
Thanks for the kind words, IKM!
You have no idea how much this site has meant to me over the past week (just got on). Wish this was around 2+ years ago. Big thanks to you (and CL) for getting me through some very dark times. Keep it coming. I look forward to the posts! I have also recommended this site to others.
And……yes, cute couple! One that knows how to keep it together.
Home School Mama,
Thanks for the kind words! Glad to hear the website continues to have a positive impact in people’s lives.
Yes thank you so much for posting!,,, don’t stop!!!
I can’t seem to get out of this. Marriage because my church is making me feel so guilty
Glad you made it to the website! So much wrongful teaching is out there on adultery/divorce with manipulation to make faithful spouses feel guilty. Sorry you are in the midst of your own personal battle with such toxic teaching.
I visit your page every day just like I do Chump Lady. I am a year post divorce and your posts always make my day better. I haven’t felt the shame from my church… I feel it is my ex husband’s shame and sin. His mother did shame me however. I appreciate your words and your thoughts on surviving. Keep it up!
Pastor David! Congratulations on your blog and thank you for taking the time to speak up. This is so so so good.
And thank you because a month ago you took the time to write me and encourage me through CL Jesus Cheaters post. The stbx husband still keeps saying he is a christian and tries to manipulate me with my faith but little by little I am becoming free of his spell over me and God is healing me.
Keep up the good work!
You are welcome, Gaby. Glad to help and glad to hear you are finding freedom and healing!