The Confession Manipulation

So, your Cheater confesses to an affair. That’s a good first step to repentance, right?!


Sadly, Cheaters can use confessions as a means to manipulate the faithful spouse. They try to contain the damage while blaming the faithful spouse for their sins.

This is especially the case when the only confession is a confession of an “emotional affair.”

You can tell pretty early which way this is going by their behavior. Do they start blaming you or the marriage for their cheating? Or do they take full responsibility for their sins?

A truly repentant Cheater will make their victims’ needs first and will never blame their victims for their sins against them.

Do they cry for themselves and their damaged image? Or do they express remorse over harming you? Are they willing to ask you for what you need from them? Do they understand and accept that divorce is completely justified by their sin as what they did was THAT BAD?

Sadly, it is a rare Cheater who actually is sorry for the harm they have caused and is willing to take full responsibility for the damage done by their sins. The confession in and of itself does not mean they are in that rare company.