The Disconnect

Another thing you do: You flood the Lord’s altar with tears. You weep and wail because he no longer looks with favor on your offerings or accepts them with pleasure from your hands. You ask, “Why?” 

-Malachi 2:13-14a, NIV

The disconnect between what some “Christians” say and do is astounding.

-A cheater apologist can talk about righteous living while turning a blind eye to the unfaithful spouse’s infidelity. This is astounding.

-A cheater–without blinking–can profess a desire to honor God while refusing to forsake (or even talk about) their adultery partner. This is astounding.

-A cheater apologist can profess a commitment to seeing God honored in the faithful spouse’s life while ignoring the treacherous behavior of her spouse. This is astounding.

I think part of the astounding part of all of this is how the speaker does not see the disconnect or–at least–they are unwilling to acknowledge it. The disconnect is SO obvious!

Like the Jewish husbands in the book of Malachi, God is not fooled by this behavior. He does not ignore the obvious treachery of betraying the faithful spouse.

Sadly, some people will never face this obvious reality. Thankfully, we serve a God who is not taken in by their “games.”


2 thoughts on “The Disconnect”

  1. Thank you so much for writing this. My ex and his AP own a business together where they have bible verses plastered all over their advertisements. It is people like them that make nonbelievers hate Christians.

    Your writing validated my feelings today and I thank you.

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