Wisdom from the movie “The Help”

Along the lines of choosing to walk in the truth and deprogram the lies given to us by our adulterous (ex?) spouses and their supporters, I recalled a particular powerful moment in one of my favorite movies. The movie is The Help, which came out in 2011. It is a movie chronicling the segregated South in the United States circa 1960s with a particular view at African Americans who served in white people’s households as hired “help.”

Constantine is an African American woman who raises the main character of the movie, Skeeter, from a child. This lady is an old and wise woman who shares one of her pearls with a teenage Skeeter upon the occasion of Skeeter not being asked to go to the dance plus being called ugly by some boys.

She tells Skeeter:

Every day you’re not dead in the ground, when you wake up in the morning, you’re gonna have to make some decisions. Got to ask yourself this question: “Am I gonna believe all them bad things them fools say about me today?” You hear me? “Am I gonna believe all them bad things them fools say about me today? You hear me today?” All right?

Like Constantine says, we have choices to make every day about who we believe. Will we believe the lies that say we are second-rate because we are divorced.

I guess we have to find roomed for the divorced since there are so many. 

Do not buy the shame.

You do not have to agree with the lies.

Are you going to believe the fools that know nothing about who you are? Will you allow their flawed opinion hold you back from the destiny God has prepared for you (see Eph. 2:10)? Are you going to allow them to win by stealing your joy and surrendering your God-given worth to their debasing opinions?

Never forget that you have made it to this point because you are a person of integrity and faithfulness. That’s gold. But more important than your performance or non-performance is that you are His child worth the blood of His own Son.

When I asked God to reveal to me His love for me, He gave me a mental picture of my big, farmer Grandpa Dick calling out to me with open, welcoming arms saying, “That’s my boy!”

That’s God’s love for you. He just wants His girl or His boy to come to His arms.

Choose to not believe the mean things people say about you.

You are SO precious to the One who counts!


Me with my paternal grandmother who was another grandparent who embodied God’s love to me.

3 thoughts on “Wisdom from the movie “The Help””

  1. Oh, Dear DM!

    That photo of you and your precious Grandma stirred my deep emotions! One picture can truly be worth a thousand words! Thank you so much for sharing it!

    If all babies had such loving ones in their lives…..well, I do not have to ‘preach’ to you. That moment captured on film depicts what our Grand Creator purposed and implanted in ALL of us! Even in our imperfect state, we can display & reflect these stunning qualities granted to us by our beloved Father!

    Thank you for all your amazing posts! Such wisdom & understanding of God’s heart on these matters. I read them all and soak them up like thirsty soil in hot summer!

    ForgeOn, DM

    1. Thanks, ForgeOn, for the kind words! Glad for grandmas and grandpas in the world that give/gave us a hint of unconditional love in this broken world we inhabit.

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